The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

printed - Tour Diary of the Deputy Commissioner, Naga Hills 1870 (John Butler) volume one

caption: to Deemapoor; bridge and road construction; provisioning
medium: tours
person: James/ Mr.
location: Samoogooting Deemapoor Golaghaut Jamestown
date: 5.1.1870
person: Butler/ John
date: 5.1.1870-30.3.1870
note: inaccurate spelling in the original text
text: Diary of the Deputy Commissioner of the Naga Hills
text: VOLUME I
text: 5th January 1870, Wednesday. Was occupied the whole of the morning and a part of the afternoon in making over charge of the Treasury and the current duties of the Deputy Commissioner's office to Mr. James, Assistant Commissioner and so was unable to leave the station until 4 p.m. reaching Deemapoor about 6 p.m.
text: I am happy to say the whole of the jungle between Samoogooting and Deemapoor has been cut and cleared, five new bridges have been erected and that portion of the road leading through that terrible swamp the Darrogah pothar has been raised about 18 inches by trees having been laid across the road, the interstices filled in with fascines and the whole then covered with a layer of about 4 inches of earth on to which more earth will be added here after. I have left 25 coolies still hard at work and I hope by the end of the month to have this portion of the roads (which ought to be the strongest link in our communications with Golaghaut) in very fair order and if I am only allowed anything like a liberal allowance for annual repairs I hope by the end of next cold season to have carts on.
text: On visiting the gatah at Jamestown which I built there some six months ago I found that there was a fair supply of every thing including rice, dal, oil, ghee, salt etc., and the same at Deemapoor so I have no fear of running short of stores this cold season.
text: The guard Houses and Constables Lines both at Deemapoor and Jamestown are being in the former case, put into thorough repair and in the latter, entirely rebuilt so that I hope they will all be comfortably housed before the rains commence.