The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

printed - tour diary of the Deputy Commissioner of the Naga Hills for the year 1870-1872 (John Butler) volume two

caption: to Biphuma by a dreadful track
medium: tours
location: Biphuma Zubja Sepamah
date: 26.2.1872
person: Butler/ John
date: 22.11.1870-17.2.1873
note: inaccurate spelling in the original text
text: 26th February. Had a good deal of difficulty in procuring coolies this morning, however I managed to get them at last and moved to camp into Biphuma. The first 3 miles of our journey was down an almost perpendicular descent after which we crossed the Zubja (or Rangamapani as the river is called after it debouches into the plains) and another 4 miles of very stiff ascent brought us into the village. I may here add for the benefit of my successors that this so-called road between Sepamah and Biphuma is one of the very worst in these hills, often a mere track scarcely six inches wide along a precipitous cliff over which I should never recommend anyone to try to take a pony.