The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - extracts from 'Account of the valley of Munnipore and of the Hill Tribes' by Major W. McCulloch

caption: migration
medium: articles
ethnicgroup: KookieKhongjai
person: McCulloch/ Major W.
date: 1858
refnum: from: Selections from the Records of the Government of India, No. 27 (Calcutta) 1859
text: The Khongjais or Kookies until lately occupied the hills to the South of the Koupooees. Whilst in this position, little or nothing of them was known, but they caused fear from their numbers and the bloody attacks they sometimes made upon their neighbours. South of them lay the Poi, Soote, Taute, Loosei, and others tribes, better armed than they were , and of the same genus as themselves, but at feud with them. By these they were driven from their native hills, the task being rendered easier by the internal animosities of the Khongjais themselves, and are now scattered around the Valley of Munnipore, and thence through the hills to North and South Cachar.