The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - extracts on Nagas from 'Assam Administration Report'

caption: punitive expedition to Sema village of Nungtang
caption: Nagas
caption: Relations with Tributary States and Frontier Affairs
caption: to Nankam; information from missionary; complaints about murders by Lopphemi and Longsa
medium: reports
person: Clark/ Rev.
ethnicgroup: AoHatiguriaAo
location: Lungkam (Nankam) Mangatung Pangti Aliba (Alibar) Borodubia Mubongchukit (Molodubia) Lopphemi Longsa
date: 19.1.1885-20.1.1885
date: 1884
date: 1885
text: On the 19th, the party marched to Nankam, a distance of nine and a half and ten miles. Nankam is one of the largest of the Ao villages; it enjoys a splendid situation on a peak 5,340 feet in height, has an abundant water-supply, and a large area of land adapted for jhuming. In the evening, the Revd. Mr. Clark, who has been engaged in mission work amongst the Ao tribe for some years past, arrived at Nankam; his experience in dealing with this semi-barbarous race was of much assistance to the party. Deputations from Mangatung, Pangti, Alibar (Chontia), Borodubia and Molodubia came in on the 20th and expressed their pleasure at this visit, coupled with a hope that the disputes they had with one another and with tribes more remote, whom they indefinitely characterised as Abors, would be adjusted. The headmen of Nankam complained that a few days ago, the Semas of Lopphemi had cut up two men and two women of their village. Borodubia stated that on the 14th instant, a large party of men from Longsa (an Ao village south of the Dikhu) lay in ambush near their fields and killed two men and two women, and on their return journey, killed two men of Molodubia.