published - extracts on Nagas from 'Assam Administration Report' | |
caption: | the Manipur revolt |
caption: | Manipur |
caption: | Relations with Tributary States and Foreign Affairs |
medium: | reports |
person: | Maxwell/ Maj. H. St. P.Tekendrajit Singh/ SenapatiGrimwood/ MrSur Chandra Singh/ Maharaja of ManipurSkene/ Lt. Col.Kula Chandra Dhaja Singh/ Jubraj of ManipurQuinton/ MrCossins/ MrSimpson/ Lt.Brackenbury/ Lt.Hima Chand/ SubadarLugard/ Lt. |
location: | Imphal (Manipur) |
text: | 5. The following interesting report, which has been submitted by Major H. St. P. Maxwell, C.S.I., Political Agent in Manipur and Superintendent of the State, is reproduced in extenso: |
text: | "The year 1890-91 ended with a terrible disaster in Manipur. In September the Maharaja, Sur Chandra Singh, was driven from his palace by his two youngest brothers at the instigation of the Senapati Tekendrajit Singh, and sought refuge in the Residency. Here, although practically safe, the Maharaja was overcome with fear, and, contrary to the advice of Mr Grimwood, Political Agent, declared his intention to abdicate the 'gadi' and proceed to Brindaban on a pilgrimage. The abdication was formally carried out by sending back to the palace the silver sword of State and announcing the fact in a letter to the Senapati. |
text: | The ex-Maharaja, in company with his three uterine brothers and a few followers, left the next day for Cachar, and on arrival in British territory at once repudiated any intention of abdicating, and requested the assistance of the Government of India to regain the 'gadi'. |
text: | The Government of India, after duly considering the matter, came to the conclusion that the Jubraj, Kula Chandra Dhaja Singh, the next brother to, and heir-apparent of, Sur Chandra Singh, who, on the 'gadi' becoming vacant, had proclaimed his accession, should be confirmed as Maharaja, and that the turbulent Senapati should be removed from Manipur. To carry out this decision, the Chief Commissioner of Assam, with an escort of 400 sipahis of the 42nd and 44th Gurkha Rifles under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Skene, arrived at Manipur on the 22nd March, and a Darbar was announced for the same day. |
text: | The Senapati, on a plea of ill-health, did not attend, and sent the same excuse for non-attendance at the Darbar fixed for the following day. He declined to surrender himself when ordered by the Political Agent, and the Regent, Kula Chandra Dhaja Singh, declared his inability to arrest his brother. Mr Quinton, the Chief Commissioner, then determined to arrest the Senapati; and in the early morning of the 24th idem troops were sent to his house, but were fiercely attacked, and a serious engagement ensued throughout the day until evening, when an armistice was agreed to on both sides, and firing temporarily ceased. The Senapati, who was known to be the real leader in the rebellion, invited the Chief Commissioner to meet him at a spot halfway between the Residency gate and the west entrance of the 'Pat'. Mr Quinton, accompanied by Lieutenant-Colonel Skene, Mr Grimwood, Mr Cossins, and Lieutenant Simpson, and a bugler, left the Residency compound about 8-15 p.m., and, meeting no one at the appointed spot, walked up to the west gate of the 'Pat', where they were asked to enter the 'Pat', and hold a Darbar in the Darbar Hall, which building stands at the entrance to the Raja's citidel. |
text: | Safe conduct being assured them on leaving the Residency, the British officers proceeded to the Darbar Hall, and a meeting was held, at which the Senapati, Tangkhul General, and other ministers were present, but no agreement was concluded. The officers then started to return to the Residency, but were prevented going far by a gate being closed and the rude conduct of the Manipuri crowd which attacked them, and the Political Agent, Mr Grimwood, was fatally speared, and Lieutenant Simpson severely wounded. After being kept prisoners in the Darbar Hall for two hours, Mr Quinton, Lieutenant-General Skene, Mr Cossins, Lieutenant Simpson, and the bugler were marched to the green space in front of the dragons, and there beheaded by the public executioner. |
text: | About this time the attack on the Residency was renewed, and the defenders, after a short interval, drew off towards Cachar, which was reached on the 2nd April. In the fighting on the 24th the British loss was Lieutenant Brackenbury, 44th Gurkha Rifles, Subadar Hima Chand, 44th Gurkha Rifles, one Havildar, and one sipahi killed, and one British Officer, Lieutenant Lugard, and fourteen sipahis wounded. |
text: | As soon as the Residency compound was vacated, the insurgents looted the Government treasury, the post office, and the Residency, and the buildings were destroyed by fire, and later on were levelled to the ground. The treasury contained roughly Rs. 1,85,729, made up as follows: |
text: |
______________________________________________Rs. Rupees____________________________________1,70,440 Government currency notes____________________9,560 Stamps_______________________________________5,729 |
text: | Of the above sum, Rs. 27,803 were recovered during the year under report. |
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