The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - extracts on Nagas from 'Assam Administration Report'

caption: 1. The trans-Dikhu tribes
caption: Naga Hills District
caption: Relations with Tributary States and Foreign Affairs
caption: Sangtam tribe
medium: reports
person: Davis/ MrMacintyre/ Capt.Muspratt/ Mr
ethnicgroup: SangtamAo
location: Yampong Chuchu Yimbang (Juju) Yutsu Longmisa Kongtangla Longsa
date: 1891
date: 1892
text: Our relations with this tribe, except in the case of Yampong, were friendly throughout the year.
text: The Yampong case was as follows: Early in 1891 Juju, an Ao village, reported to the subdivisional officers, Mokokchang that a man of their village who had gone across the Dikhu to trade, had never returned. It was subsequently ascertained that this man had been killed and it was asserted that Yampong was the village responsible for the murder. To enquire into this case, Mr. Davis visited Yampong on the 21st December 1891. He then discovered that the murderer was a man of Yutsu, a small Sangtam village near Yampong, and that after committing the murder, he had fled to Yampong where he had been living ever since. Mr. Davis demanded his surrender but was told by the headman that he had run away and that the villagers were quite unable to arrest him. As there appeared no immediate likelihood of catching the man, and as the village of Yampong was in no way concerned in the murder, Mr. Davis left the village next day after having destroyed the murderer's house and issued an order that he was no longer to be allowed to reside in the village.
text: The action of the Deputy Commissioner in thus leaving the village without demanding from it a fine of mithan, red spears etc. was looked upon by the inhabitants as a confession of weakness on his part, and shortly after his departure the upper portion of the village began to be very boastful and actually went as far as to send men and set fire to two houses in the Ao village of Longmisa, looted the small village of Kongtangla which had supplied Mr. Davis with fowls and liquor, and threatened Chari, where his party had halted for a night and had been supplied with rice, fowls, etc.
text: As it was not desirable to overlook such insults, Mr. Davis returned to Mokokchang and from there again crossed the Dikhu to Yampong, taking with him Captain Macintyre, Mr. Muspratt and 60 men of the Naga Hills Military Police. They found the village prepared for resistance, the path a mile distant from it being thickly studded with panjis. During the advance one of the guides was wounded in the back by a poisoned arrow, but the village was occupied without further casualty. After halting one day, during which all attempts to induce the inhabitants to come to terms had failed, Mr. Davis burnt the offending portion of the village, having been unable to realise a fine from them. While searching for cattle, parties of the Military Police were attacked by the Nagas who were, however, beaten off with a loss of two killed. There were no casualties on our side.
text: Since this expedition, the headmen of Yampong have been into Mokokchang and have tendered their submission.
text: The independent Ao village of Longsa gave no trouble during the year. The question of including this village within the Mokokchang subdivision was discussed by the Chief Commissioner during his visit to Kohima and as a result the headmen were informed that they would be called upon, to pay revenue this cold weather.