The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - extracts on Nagas from 'Assam Administration Report'

caption: Nagas on the Lakhimpur and Sibsagar Frontiers
caption: Relations with Tributary States and Frontier Affairs
caption: Nagas on the Lakhimpur frontier
medium: reports
person: Needham/ MrMalo Naga/ of TikakSonaya
ethnicgroup: RangpangRangpang
location: Ledo Tikak
date: 1897
date: 1898
text: 57. In consequence of frequent complaints and thefts of iron, cattle, etc. by Nagas, from the works of the Assam Railways and Trading Company at Ledo and Margherita, Mr Needham was deputed to enquire as to who the culprits were, and what steps were necessary to prevent these petty crimes. From a report submitted by him it appears that the thefts which took place during the rains were the work of Nagas living close to Ledo, but that during the cold season the Rangpang Nagas were generally the thieves. For the purpose of preventing these thefts, the Chief Commissioner sanctioned and increase in the strength of the Military Police guards at Ledo from 11 to 20 men, and the establishment of a guard of 10 men at Tikak, the detachments being required to perform regular patrols in the neighbourhood. Sunce these measures were taken no more thefts have been reported. The removal of the Ledo stockade to a more suitable site was also sanctioned, and barracks are being built at the new site.
text: The coolie boy, Sonaya, who was kidnapped by at Tikak Naga and sold to Rangpangs i February 1897, was recovered during the year by the joint efforts of Malo Naga, Chief of Tikak, and Janhing, 'gam' of Bisa, and the reward of Rs. 100 offered in the case was divided equally between them.
text: Twenty-five other coolies were recovered during the course of the year under report from the Phakial Singpho and Naga villages. Some of them said that they were kidnapped by Nagas and sold to other Nagas further up the hills, but all such statements should be accepted with caution, as most of the coolies fear prosecution and penalties if they admit having deserted. All these coolies had been employed by the Railway Company; those who had their agreements still to work out were made over to the Company, and the others were discharged.
text: The Chief Commissioner had approved the proposal that Mr Needham should assume, for the hill tracts in the neighbourhood of Margherita, the political functions which he exercises at Sadiya, and that, for this purpose, he should visit Margherita three or four times a year. The object of this arrangement is to establish a firmer political control over the Nagas of the Patkoi than it has been possible to exercise hitherto.
text: Two Nagas of the Namsong Hills were tried on a charge of tapping rubber in reserved forest without a pass. They were each sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for 15 days.