The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - extracts on Nagas from 'Assam Administration Report'

caption: Nagas
caption: Relations with Tributary States and Frontier Affairs
caption: frontier tribes. Nagas
medium: reports
person: Sevikhe
ethnicgroup: Rang-PangSarkariKhataAoBorduariaNamsangiaSema
location: Turet Panthai Lungchang Hill Yogli Tutsa Namdang Chare (Char) Letam Mongsenyimti (Mongsemdi) Nazira Yatsimi Natami
date: 1902
date: 1903
text: 13. The Rang-Pang Nagas again raided a Sarkari Naga village named Turet, and killed a man there. They intended raiding Panthai village at the same time, but were unable to do so, as all the inhabitants had taken refuge in the jungle. To prevent these raids, and give protection to the Sarkari Nagas, a Military Police outpost was established on the Lungchang Hill, a day's march from Namdang, the outposts at Ledo and Tikak being abolished.
text: Six of the Yogli Nagas who are connected with the Rang-Pangs carried off two Tutsa Nagas who were going along the railway line from Margherita to Namsang, where they expected to get work. One of the men escaped, and as the surrender of the other captives was refused, the Deputy ommissioner with a party of Military Police visited Yogli and burnt the village, taking prisoner three Yogli Nagas concerned in the outrage, who were confined in the Dibrugarh jail.
text: The dispute between the Borduaria and Namsangia Nagas regarding the possession of a hill, referred to in paragraph 189 of the report for 1901-1902, was settled by the Borduarias abandoning the hill.
text: The village of Char, which had been raided by a party from Letam, vide paragraph 189 of last year's report, sent a raiding party to retaliate on Letam, and in doing so the party entered British territory. The Chief Commissioner considered it sufficient to give the village a warning.
text: Two Aos of Mongsemdi, who had been working near Nazira, were returning to their village, when they were treacherously attacked with daos by a couple of Khata (Naked) Nagas. The Aos, who were both wounded, managed to escape, and returned to Nazira. The offenders have not been traced.
text: Two men of Sevikhe's village in the Sema political control area joined with their cousins living across the border in murdering a man and a woman of Yatsimi, an independent village. The bodies were decapitated and the heads brought into Sevikhe's village and stuck on bamboos according to custom. Both men were soon afterwards given up, and one was sentenced to transportation for twelve years, the other to transportation for life. The six Natami murderers, who were at large at the close of 1901-1902, were arrested during the year, and sentences each to seven years' rigorous imprisonment.
text: Among the trans-frontier Semas serious crime increased, no fewer than 22 people having been murdered during the year. The question of the expediency of extending the area of political control to the Tizu river is now under consideration.