The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

book : 'Konyak Nagas' by Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, (1969)

caption: Chapter Two. The Social Structure and its Units
caption: ancestral house and ritual centre
medium: books
ethnicgroup: Konyak
person: Furer-Haimendorf/ C.
date: 1969
refnum: with permission from Holt, Rinehart & Winston, New York48:5
text: Even if countless generations had passed since the foundation of a village, each clan still remembered the site on which the founding ancestor had first built his house. On this site stood, as a rule, the house which the clan members regarded as their ancestral home and ritual center. It was called "house of the great elder must, hence, "marry out." Consanguineous kin are those related by blood. brother," and it was assumed that from this house all the remaining houses of the clan, known as "houses of the younger brothers," were founded. Whoever lived in the "great house" was regarded as the head of the clan, and the owners of all houses, founded by younger sons who had separated from the great house, gave him a share of all animals sacrificed at domestic rites.