The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

book : Return to the Naked Nagas (1939;1976)

caption: Chapter Twenty. With Pangsha's Enemies
caption: return of the slaves to their parents at Chentang
medium: books
location: Chentang Kejok Saochu Pangsha
person: Furer-Haimendorf
date: 6.1936-6.1937
text: At Chentang we find more than one surprise, and, as after the climax of a drama, all our problems seem to solve themselves at once. The parents of the young slave from Saochu, whom we had long given up as dead, suddenly appear to fetch their daughter. They also bring the news of his wife's escape to the liberated youth, and even the father of the small boy from Kejok has come to fetch his son. All's well that ends well, and the only shadow on the horizon is the uncertainty about the fate of the little girl sold over the mountains. However, Pangsha prove worthy of their new scarlet cloths, and soon Chingmak's men bring the child to Chengtang, where Mills can hand her back to her rejoicing mother.
text: (161) The Chingmei warriors bring too Pangsha's fine of four mithan and a gift of six eggs -- incidentally, not fresh eggs, for they are the same ones that Pangsha had prepared for our first visit. Pangsha sends a message with the fine. They are very proud to be considered "sons" of the Government, but beg us not to return, for as it is, they have a difficult enough time with their wives, who refuse to allow them to rebuild their houses as long as we remain in the neighbourhood. We send them all the necessary assurances, for we understand that even bold Pangsha men may have difficulties with their own wives.