The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

book - 'Naga Path', by Ursula Graham Bower, published John Murray 1950

caption: Chapter two. Solo Flight
caption: photographs; encouragement to return; invitation to tour Barak area
medium: books
person: Jeffery/ Mr.
person: Graham Bower/ Ursula
text: (14) Back in England that following summer three things happened which influenced things profoundly. Firstly the photographs I had taken were far better than I had expected. I thought of them as snapshots, but when I brought them home they proved to be pictures of professional standard. Secondly, Mrs Southcott, a family friend, took an interest in them and me and introduced me to the Royal Geographical and Royal Central Asian Societies as well as to individual friends of hers, some of them anthropologists. Many of the people I met asked me if I were going back. I had made a start, so why not follow it up ? That set me thinking seriously. It might be worth doing, there might even be a career in it, but at present I had neither money nor backing nor even a prospect of returning to Manipur. I needed an opportunity.
text: Then the third thing happened. Our old friend Jeffery wrote to say he planned a last trip to the Barak before retiring. If I liked to find myself a chaperone and come along, I could join his party.