The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

book - 'Naga Path', by Ursula Graham Bower, published John Murray 1950

caption: Chapter seven. Reconnaissance
caption: looking for place to do fieldwork; ambivalence of Zemi
medium: books
person: Namkia
date: 12.3.1940
person: Graham Bower/ Ursula
text: (56) The next day I parted from the S.D.O. at the village gate and set off on my own for the first time in a year.
text: The tour was one of exploration, of search for the best places for field-work, but as a tour it was notable only for the number of things which went wrong. It made it clear, though, that the Zemi were an exceptionally interesting people; so much so that I determined to stay a year and make a full study of them. Not merely that; they were the most extraordinary Nagas I had ever met; and fully half of them were mad. That, at last, was the only explanation which occurred to me at the time. By no possible conception was their conduct rational.
text: The tribe seemed to be arbitrarily divided into two halves. One, which included Namkia, regarded me with dislike and suspicion. The other fell on me with a hospitality which was frightening.