The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

book - 'Naga Path', by Ursula Graham Bower, published John Murray 1950

caption: Chapter eight. Exile.
caption: chaos in girl's dormitory caused by fear of a tiger
medium: books
person: Ramgakpa
person: Graham Bower/ Ursula
text: Ramgakpa, as it happened, was in the village when the kill occurred. The late evening is the usual time for bucks to call on the objects of their admiration; and he and three others were seated unobtrusively in the porch of the girls' dormitory, waiting their turn. At that moment came the agonized bellow. Then, hard upon it, the whole mithan-herd and the rest of the cattle stampeded panic-stricken down the village street. With one cry of " The tiger ! " the four boys rose. They leapt as one for the doorway, reached it together, and jammed. The girls inside woke up and began to scream. The male visitor in occupation sat up and began to swear. And then the heaviest boy fell through; the dam collapsed; and the four fell flat in a heap as the inner door flew open and out rushed the beldame in charge, breathing fire and slaughter and waving a purposeful ember. In a flash all five bucks had clapped their cloths over their heads and bolted, incognito; and, tiger or no tiger, they never stopped running till they tumbled into the safety of the lower morung.