The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

book - 'Naga Path', by Ursula Graham Bower, published John Murray 1950

caption: Chapter ten. The Zemi
caption: influence of women
medium: books
person: Graham Bower/ Ursula
text: Women, then, were a very strong folk. The influence they wielded, aside from that which affection and sentiment would in any case have allowed - for family life is everything to a Zemi - was remarkable. Nor did the women take their responsibilities lightly. They were, behind the scenes, the real rulers of the community. They could on occasion take action as such; I have known, in a village riot, the women arm themselves with clubs and go in in a body to break it up, each mother collecting her sons and each wife her husband and running them out by force to cool off at home. How many times, too, have I heard a Zemi snort to his cronies about his wife's opinions; plan to do this, go here, buy that, engage upon bold adventures; and come back sadly in the morning to say : " My wife won't let me" ?