The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

book - 'Naga Path', by Ursula Graham Bower, published John Murray 1950

caption: the Siemi, a former civilization
caption: Chapter sixteen. The Lost Folk
caption: difficulty in purchasing 'deo-moni' beads
medium: books
person: Graham Bower/ Ursula
text: To return again to the question of ancient beads. The stories of these being found on the sites are most persistent. During my stay at Laisong Namkia acquired from the Kukis of Padhekot, where there is a well-known Siemi settlement, a string of quite undoubted 'deo-moni,' which the seller claimed had been turned up one by one in cultivating over the old house-platforms. I am bound to say that their dull, rather brown appearance was consistent with this. Beads always in wear have a fine, high, greasy gloss. Namkia later sold them for Rs 40/- to a Hangrum man, I being far too broke at the time to buy them, as I wanted to do; and later on (124) when I had the money, the owner would not sell. Their value as a specimen would have been greater had there been any valid evidence of their connection with a Siemi site; but even without they would have been of interest as 'deo-moni,' which are by no means easy to buy.