The Noblest Poem that Ever was WroteIn the eighteenth century, long after the event, a story was told of the courtier-poet Sir John Denham walking into the House of Commons carrying a sheet of Paradise lost ‘wet from the press’, and acclaiming the new work as ‘the noblest poem that ever was wrote in any language or in any age’. Paradise lost is a Christian epic, intended by Milton, and recognised by posterity, to be worthy of comparison with the pagan epics of Homer and Virgil. Both the frequent reprinting and the enlarging format of the early editions indicate the steady rise of the poem’s reputation; it has been estimated that 12,000 copies had been sold by 1712, the year in which Joseph Addison published a judicious appreciation in the Spectator. That critical appraisal and textual commentaries were given to a modern work—marks of admiration unprecedented in England before they were accorded to Paradise lost—demonstrates the poem’s recognition, within the space of a few decades, as an unparalleled national classic. |