Unregulated Printing
Modern Private Press Books |
Illustrations - Items on DisplayConrad HilberryJacob’s dancing tune Mt Horeb, Wisconsin: Perishable Press, MXIVM [1986] Walter Hamady, a professor of art at the University of Wisconsin, established his Perishable Press in 1964. His work is notable for its fresh and exciting approach to the making of books. In this edition of 125 copies, Conrad Hilberry’s rhymed story is illustrated by Stephanie Norman. 864.a.270(10) Why did you didn’t: expanded quotables from the year of 1979... Mount Horeb [Wisconsin]: Perishable Press for Children’s Community School, 1980 Several publications from the Perishable Press celebrate family life. This charming occasional piece has illustrations by the Chicago-born artist Ellen Lanyon. The colophon notes that the text is ‘composed of statements made by Laura Evans Hamady and several of her colleagues at the Children’s Community School in Mt Horeb...’ Issued in an edition of 275 copies. 864.a.270(20) William IX, Duke of AquitainePoem about nothing Kingston [Ontario]: Locks’ Press, 1995 William, Count of Poitiers and Duke of Aquitaine (1071-1126) led a colourful life: crusader, womaniser and poet, he was the first known troubadour. This is a version of one of only eleven of his poems to survive, printed in a parallel English and Provençal text. This is copy number 50 of 80. S735.b.99.6 Under open sky: poets on William Cullen Bryant; edited by Norbert Krapf; wood engravings by John De Pol Roslyn, New York: Stone House Press, 1986 John de Pol, artist, printmaker and wood engraver, is one of the most significant figures in American illustration in the second half of the twentieth century. From the 1970s onwards he worked on many publications of the Yellow Barn Press in Council Bluffs, Iowa and the Stone House Press in Roslyn, New York. This copy is inscribed by the artist to John Dreyfus, September 1986. CCC.52.142 C.Z. BarnettA Christmas carol: or, The miser’s warning Mission, British Columbia: Barbarian Press, 1984 The first book from this press to contain wood engravings, the text is a dramatic parody of Dickens’ story. The illustrator E.N., better known as Edwina Ellis, an Australian by birth, became an internationally renowned print-maker and artist. Amongst other work, she designed the 2005 issue of Britain’s £1 coins. S721.b.98.56 Samuel Taylor ColeridgeKubla Khan... etchings by Walter Hoyle Bottisham, Cambridge: printed by the artist, 1982 Walter Hoyle, a painter and printmaker, taught at the Cambridge School of Art between 1964 and 1985. This is number 3 of a limited edition of 15 copies signed by the artist. Syn.5.98.2 Bernard SalmonPerforming vegetables London: Poisson, 1988 Bernard Salmon, a New Zealander, began publishing his own texts and illustrations in Auckland in the late 1970s, but also spent some time in London, producing a series of brightly illustrated books. This is number 20 of a limited edition of 50 copies signed by the author. 864.a.360(4) Marina TsvetaevaHow many have fallen [London]: M.C. Caine, 1984 Michael (Christopher) Caine, a graduate of the former London College of Printing, specialises in hand printing and illustrating modern poetry. He has worked both in England and France under a variety of imprints, Squirrelprick and Editions Rosbif amongst them. The Russian text of the poem is printed with a parallel English translation by Herbert Marshall. About 100 copies were printed. This is number 7, signed by the printer, showing a well-known politician. S756.b.98.6 Federico García LorcaGacela de la muerte oscura [London]: M.C. Caine, [1988] The translation of Stephen Spender and J.L. Gilli is powerfully illustrated by Michael Caine. This is number 1 of 10 copies. S743:3.bb.9.3 Eileen HoganOgham: each letter of the alphabet is presented with a colour and bird all three beginning with the same initial; the whole alphabet forms a calendar of seasonal bardic lore based on an interpretation by Robert Graves of the cyphers used in the Book of Ballymote [London]: Burnt Wood Press, [1978] An alphabet book with a difference. Eileen Hogan, now better known as a painter, began her career with the making of books, and established the press at the Camberwell College of Arts, which she directed between 1984 and 1997. 864.a.238(4) |
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