Colne Priory Accounts (ERO D/DPr13)

29.9.1375 (Saturday 29 September 1375)

document 44800541

upkeep of the houses there in the hiring of one roofer roofing the grange deteriorated at Berwyke 6s8d altogether in five hundred lathe nails bought for the same 7d1h not included in improving the room above the porch with a window to be made in the same said room together with cable hinges and hooks for the said room 3s6d in the hiring of one man for roofing and enlarging the cattle shed of Berwyk 7s altogether in four hundred lathe nail bought for the household casks (cad) 6d in hiring one man for two days for mending the grange of Berewyke for repairing the same 8d taken at 4d per day payment for a carpenter for the said grange altogether 10s in carrying timber for the said grange 10d in a thousand loops to be made the haystacks 16d in one thousand one hundred lathe nail bought for the same 17d1h in clay dug and carried for the walls of the said grange 8d in the hiring of one man for roofing and plastering the said grange altogether 6s8d in the walls of the said grange being packed with clay 7d in the hiring of one carpenter to mend the cattle shed of Berewyke altogether 3s4d in the walls of the same said cattle shed in part being plastered 6d in lathes for the said grange being split 3d in the said lathes being carried 6d in one carter hired for two days carting of thatching straw for roofing the said house 2s in victuals bought for the expenses of the carter 6d in the hiring of one man for two days forking of stubble straw for thatching to be car ted 8d altogether per day 4d without food in 2bush of lime bought for mending the dwelling house of Wm Kyng 6d in the hiring of one tiler to mend the roofing of the said dwelling house 10d in the mending of a grange and pigsty and a certain bridge at Beauchamp altogether 10s in making and putting right around the coping in the grange there 2s6d in lathnails bought for the same 3d in hiring one man for daubing and packing the cattle stall there 5s3d in timbering to be completed for the grange of Beauchamp 12d in the carting of the said timber three times as far as Beauchamp 3s6d in the expenses of the carter for carting the said timber with the expenses of the carter's horse for keep 18d in the mending of the granary of the prior with the house adjoining the same 3s6d in the mending of divers customary houses at Messynge as shown in detail here attached 55s5d
upkeep of houses at Messynge