Colne Priory Accounts (ERO D/DPr64)

michaelmas.2Edw6 (Saturday 29 September 1548)

document 45800796

sum allowed and aforesaid liveries 40li2s7d1f and owed 7li16s and from which is allowed to Robt Baker for the farm of a parcel of demesne land there 13s8d as the amount of monies paid by him for repairs to his farmhouse as in the purchase of burnt lime and in tiles for the same with divers other necessaries in monies as shown by a bill signed by the hand of Jn Church the lord's overseer there and remaining and owed 7li2s4d from which is allowed to him 6li13s4d as his annuity granted to him by letters patent of the said Earl during his lifetime 6li13s4d namely in an allowance for this year for one whole year within the time of this account by the force of the aforesaid letters patent and owed 9s