farms of lands meadows and dovecotes with services and commuted rents | and 16li10s8d as the farm of divers lands and tenements let to divers men whereof the parcels and their names are shown and contained in the same said preceding account and of 12s of Edm Goldyng for all those lands and tenements lately called Brounys and sometime of Jn Smethys which Roger Eston had for his lifetime by a grant from the lord Rich late earl of Oxford as let to him by a court roll for a term of ten years this year the fifth and of 20s of Roger Bremston and his heirs for all their lands and tenement called Pantres which the aforesaid Roger Eston had for his lifetime granted to the same in the aforesaid roll for the aforesaid services because they were not levied among the rents above etc and of 12s of Jn Abraham for all those lands and tenements called Jonys Adam which the aforesaid Roger Eston had for his lifetime granted to him in the aforesaid roll by year |