sum allowed and deliveries 28li6s11d and owed 4li5s5d from which allowed to him 2s as the decay of the rent of one tenement late of
Rich Rysyng
whereof above levied because it is lying in the hands of the lord king for default of hire this year and to the same 8s11d as the decay of the rent of one tenement with certain lands adjoining in the tenure of
Thos Nychol
above levied at 16s11d because it is lying in the hands of the lord and nothing thereof levied this year valued at 8s11d received in the following account and to the same 13s4d as the loss of the rent of 3a of meadow parcel of 16a of meadow above levied at 53s4d because mowed and made hay of for the upkeep of the beasts within the park there as in the preceding and to the same 5s for paid by him
and to the same 20s as the loss of the farm of 6a of meadow above levied under the title sale of meadow within the sum of 53s4d because it was flooded by a rush of water so that it was not possible to take any profit thereof as the said accountant said on his oath and to the same 15s paid to the lord king for the third part of the fifteenth of the said lord granted there this year and to the same 10s as the decay of the rent of one field called
above levied at 23s4d because it is lying in the hands of the lord to the value of 13s4d thereof levied this year and owed 11s2d which was allowed to him for the mowing and haymaking of 4a of meadow and the carting of the same with the reaping for the keeping of the beasts within the said park this year and quit