sum of the farms with the profits of the court 32li2s and from which allowed for him 4s as for certain sums of money paid by him as for roofing the manor house with straw as particularised and presented in a bill thereof item by item under the seal of the surveyor and among the memoranda of the accounts for this year remaining and owed 31li17s and from which delivered to the hands of
earl of Oxford himself from the issues of the farms
and presented in three separate bills signed by the hand of the earl of
himself and among the memoranda of the accountant remaining this year 24li and owed 7li17s delivered to the hands of
Phil Tylney
esq receiver of the said earl there of the aforesaid issues on divers occasions as shown by divers bills signed under the hand of the receiver himself and among the memoranda of the accounts for this year remaining and thus clear equal