Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr21 together with rough copy of rolls D/DPr38)

31.5.1626 (Wednesday 31 May 1626)

document 33901639

it is shown also by the homage that Agnes Bownes sometime wife of Jn Bownes deceased who lately held for her lifetime the remainder thereof after her decease to Thos Bownes son of the said Jn and Agnes for his lifetime one piece of waste field of the lord of this manor containing 12p lying next to the lord's wood called Chalkney Wood as by copy of a roll of a court here held 21.8.1585 it is clearly shown she died before this court and after the last court upon which now to this court came the aforesaid Thos Bownes in person and sought admittance for himself to the aforesaid remainder to whom the lord by his aforesaid steward granted and delivered thereof seisin by the rod to have to him the aforesaid Thos Bownes for his lifetime the reversion thereof belonging to the lord of this manor and his heirs to hold from the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the custom of the aforesaid manor by the rents customs and services thereunto belonging and by right accustomed and he made fine and fealty and was admitted in the aforesaid form tenant etc