also at this court found that Geo Angier on 7.11. surrender by the hands of Solomon Grimston deputy steward all such part of the messuage tenement or dwelling house wherein Thos Angier lately inhabited and wherein Geo Toller gentleman formerly dwelt and of the houses edifices and buildings malting office barns stables yards gardens and orchards thereto belonging as are holden of the said manor that is to say one croft of land called Spilwaters containing 4a and also one parcel of land called Kings Garden and also one other parcel of land or orchard called Kings Garden and also one tenement called The Waterhouse with a yard and appurtenances sometime Smith's afterwards Baker's and also all that malthouse formerly a tenement and also one piece of land called Agnes Bridges and also one piece of land or marsh containing 1a lying in Earls Colne between the river there on the one part and the Peak Lane on the other part and all and singular other the customary lands etc of him the said Geo and the reversions etc to the use of Robt Crane of Stoake next Nayland Suffolk blacksmith his heirs and assigns forever freed and discharged from all provisos or condition equity benefit of redemption whatsoever and because none came therefore proclamation made and first default recorded etc