Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr30)

17.12.1744 (Wednesday 17 December 1744)

document 37100680

whereas at a court held monday 19.11.1744 it was found that Jane Hall on 29.9. surrendered by the hands of Jn Yeldham gentleman instead of the bailiff in the presence of Jn Newton and Sam Christmas all that customary messuage or tenement called Gurnies with the yard garden and appurtenances to the same belonging situate lying and being in Hedingham Sible late in the occupation of Andrew Halls deceased and now of Rich Watkinson or his assigns and also all other the customary messuages lands and tenement whatsoever etc and reversions etc to the use of Rich Watkinson of Hedingham Sible tanner now at this court came the said Rich and was admitted etc to hold by the annual rent of 1s11d etc and gave fine etc