Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

31.5.1646 (Sunday 31 May 1646)

document 70001635

May: 31: God was good to me this week in our peace plenty in providing for us, my last quarter was now brought in and that fully by Mr Elliston . and Mr high sheriff : I was somewhat troubled with a cold in my throat; this week waved a contest against my fellow ministers, in the case of independency; laid the foundation of my kitchen chimney May: 29: 1646. that day my wife began to still roses, their was divers had mown grass for hay; god was good to me in the duty and exercise of the day, he is mercy, accept me and pardon and forgive all my unworthinesses unto me, prayed for rain, the lord caused it to rain sweetly about 2 hours before sun went down, and though at night it seemed the heavens promised none, yet I persuaded myself the Lord would give it us, it rained very sweetly in the night, so that the ways stood with rain. divers of Halsted come now again on Lords days hither to hear;