Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

28.3.1647 (Sunday 28 March 1647)

document 70002430

Mar: 28: This week god was good to me and mine in our health, and plenty. yet free from soldiers(:) the Lord in mercy deliver me from the power of every corruption and keep me in integrity, Lord you know the vain boilings of my spirit, oh thoroughly mortify them, and let them never be to hard for me, god was good in the mercy of the Sabbath, in some measure enabling me for my work, and in my ordinary course, I had experience of gods goodness towards me, as also good, in the exposition of a part of the scriptures, the Lord bless all occasions and means to me, mine, and my peoples: this day was a very sweet and cheerful rain, this week we brought a skip of bees from Malleries to the Vicarage(.)