Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

11.4.1647 (Sunday 11 April 1647)

document 70002460

11: This week the lord was good to me and mine, in our peace, plenty, and health, I had some remains of an old cold about me, but I hope in god, it will wear away, the lord made use of me to make up some differences, I have lost some honest men good neighbours, whose necessities for subsistence forced them to remove, lord I beseech thee in mercy make it up for me, the lord was good to me in the Sabbath, and in the opening of some part of his word the lord in mercy sanctify me, and make me an instrument of good to others: heard of the fall of Omsted, and of the strange transport of Mr Wm Sedgwicke about the day of judgement, that should have begun on the last Lords day, Lord keep me in your fear, waiting all my days on thee unto my change and walking with thee, the lord good in preserving me in some measure in his fear, the lord make me upright before him.