Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

16.9.1647 (Thursday 16 September 1647)

document 70002760

16: a fair day, land is through mercy in a good case, and the seed time good the lord send us plenty, all provisions are excessively dear and scarce to be got for our money, my dear Friend Mr Harlakenden lent me his cart, we had home 5 jags of logs, and there are about 4 more behind; the tree was well nigh 5 loads with offal, this was a great courtesy, and there is gods providence as well as mans kindness in the same; in the afternoon we rode to Fordham street and made an end we hope in the matter between Mr Faulconer and Taller returned in good time to gods name be praise; my cold that I have now taken lies very much in my head chest, the lord in mercy remove it for his mercy and for his goodness sake: