Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

21.5.1648 (Sunday 21 May 1648)

document 70003360

May: 21: This week the Lord was good and merciful to me and mine in our peace plenty health, outward enjoyments, in the season, which was exceedingly comfortable, dry, warm, and some showers in some places the rain was exceedingly violent, but with us temperate, heard from olny of the health of our friends, only my aunt Berrill is dead; the goodness of god appears in the preservation of my dear wife god good to us in lengthening out our peace, and in quieting tumults abroad, vile men have lifted up themselves exceedingly, and presumed by the people to bring about their old ways, and that this cause thus far advance should fall to the ground and come to nothing but blessed be the lord, they are hitherto disappointed. the lord was good to me this week in preserving me from gross sins, especially strongly tempted into the same, the lord keep me, that no iniquity may have dominion over me the lord was gracious and merciful to me in the Sabbath, and in the duties and exercises thereof, giving me strength to perform the same, the lord in mercy give a blessing and make the word comfortable and profitable to me and my people.