Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

24.6.1649 (Sunday 24 June 1649)

document 70004180

June 24: This week the lord was good and merciful to me and mine in our health peace plenty in the midst of scarcity: he gave us a gracious answer of our prayers(.) most part of the day it dewed, and we hope the earth shall be watered, I look after my god how you hear me, heal me of my infirmity oh lord I humbly entreat thee the lord merciful to me this week in keeping in my ways and not suffering my headstrong temptations to prevail, Satan is busy be thou my strong god and keep me: this week I did little in my studies by reason of journeys and other occasions; I was very unprepared for the Sabbath, the good lord in mercy pardon me and accept me in thy christ, god was good to me in his assistance oh never leave me for my eyes are on thee continually, gave notice that June 28. was appointed for a day of public rejoicing: [Navel] my navel continued a little moist, but not raw nor sore, thanks be to my good god: [Mede:] finished Mr Medes discourse, and his altar containing 26 pages or thereabouts.