August: 5. This week the lord was good and merciful to me and mine, in our peace plenty, in our health, and outward mercies, oh that I could praise the lord according to his bounty, my navel continued well all this week also, but oh my soul, why do you break covenant with god, and turn aside to that which is not good, oh lord humble me, oh lord forgive me oh teach me to fear thy name at all times: [pose] I was somewhat troubled with sneezing and on the Lords day, I had a very great pose, and sneezed very much, learn me to profit by these gentle dealings of yours; the lord was good and merciful to me in the work of this day, in carrying me through in the same, in preaching, and expounding, we had divers from Halsted, the lord in mercy provide for that poor divided scattered people, make me a blessing to my people, and let them grow in knowledge and in grace.