Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

28.7.1650 (Sunday 28 July 1650)

document 70005095

July: 28: This week the lord was with me, and mine in supplying us with all outward needful mercies, the lord make me thankful and to walk worthy of them(.) the lord makes me sensible how vain and worldly thoughts throng in upon me, and hinder me in the service of god, make me watchful against them, for I acknowledge I have not, gods mercy was and is great in preserving us from infection of the smallpox, lord thy name be praised that watches over us(.) my cold caused wheezings in nights: my navel was a little moist the Lord in his due time will cause all these to cease, he knows what is best for me, unto him I submit, whose promise is all things shall work together for good, the Lord was good and merciful to me and mine in this his day, his word sweet, and precious, oh that my soul might be established in obedience before him, all my days, [pose] I had a great pose this afternoon.