Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

14.1.1658 (Thursday 14 January 1658)

document 70010770

14. and so increased on her by two of the clock in this morning that I called up the midwife, and nurse, got fires and all ready, and then her labour came on so strongly and speedily that the child was born only 2 or 3 women more got in to her but god supplied all, young Mrs Harlakenden got up to us very speedily, and some others; my wives labour was different from all former exceeding sharp, she judged her midwife did not do her part, but god did all, and has given us new experience of his goodness, the child was dead when born, I bless god who recovered it to life, we baptised it this day by the name of Mary , young Mrs Harlakenden holding it in my wives place god has evened my number and made up the three which he took from me my heart was very lightsome and joyful in the god of my mercies