Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

22.10.1665 (Sunday 22 October 1665)

document 70014905

Oct. 22. A wonderfully sweet season. dry, cold and frosts, god gave a great abatement to the plague. 3219 in all. plague. 2665. decrease. 1849. London praise god, the lord good to us in his word, our tax at the parl. at oxford increased to 140,000li. per month for 18 months to begin. Jan: next, likelihoods of the French war also, we assist Bishop of Munster with money. without a trade it will be very heavy to the nation; god good in Colnes preservation, although at Colnford hill. 7 have died and 3 have plague sores as we apprehend. at Colchester only. 22. abated died 106. of the plague. 121 all. about 123 or 30