Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

17.10.1675 (Sunday 17 October 1675)

document 70018085

Oct. 17. drought continues. great fears of our poor rising up and down our country. esp. those that belong to the wool trade: just at the Parl. meeting said no troubles anywhere else god allay them. one Rugles of this parish. a quaker. a rude fellow. disobedient to his mother sent to the house of correction. Lord watch over our public peace. set myself to sanctify this sabbath, lord accept me, and do me and mine good and do good by me.

at Nayland etc. storms, wind. two wennels of mine died of the murrain. lord spare the rest(.) my leg somewhat painful. the two Abbuts how hot and high against one another, this day. 30. very cheerful.