Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

1.3.1678, 5.3.1678 (Friday 1 March 1678)

document 70018970

March: 1. wind northerly. extreme cold; my leg swollen. much. with some pain especially on outside it being very red. I suppose it would have had some cats bites or bigger on it. sore places ceased running. 3.5. I dressed it once a day, I was feverish my wat[er] high and breaking presently, I am in the hand of my father in whom I trust to [do] for my good and who will do it; I let Mrs Bragges house to my great content. [and] good, and they are my strength in the lord my god: the French K. passing on for [Germ]any to Nancy in Lorraine on a sudden came back to Flanders. his forces see[m] likely to attempt Namur the Dutch forces marched to Hasselt, the French in the [ ] ring all arming many places approach Gaunt.