and furthermore the said Wm Potter came into court and humbly sought admittance to the said tenement called the stable and the Cowhouse and to the said customary tenement built with garden parcel of a tenement late Thos Princes with a way late parcel of Beercroft leading toward the said Beercroft with free entry and exit to drive cattle and wagons to whom the lord by the said steward granted and delivered seisin by the rod to have the said tenement called the Stable and the Cowhouse and other premises with appurtenances to himself the said Wm Potter as indicated and to his heirs and assigns forever to hold from the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the customs of the said manor by the rents services and customs thereunto belonging and by right accustomed and he gave to the lord his fine and he made fealty and afterwards in the same court and the court sitting came the said Jos Wiseman and Eliz his wife and Thos Theneth and Dorothy his wife Eliz and Dorothy themselves being solely secretly and respectively examined by the said steward as is the custom and for themselves and the heirs of the said Eliz and Dorothy remitted and released and quitclaimed to the said Wm Potter and his heirs all their right title interest and demand whatsoever of and in the said rood of land late parcel of Beercroft the said acre of land late parcel of Beercroft the said tenement called the Stable and the Cowhouse and the said tenement building with garden of and in all and singular premises and whatever parcel there of thus as it is delivered to the said Wm Potter as it is decreed to the said Wm Potter his heirs and assigns forever and for such licence the said Wm Potter gave to the lord his fine and furthermore here into court came the said Eliz Wiseman and Dorothy Theneth themselves and the said Mary Beckwith and Thomasine Lumpkin through Wm Arwaker their deputy and humbly sought admittance to the said piece or parcel of pasture and meadow called Rushfield and Rushmeadow and to the said rood of land as it was decreed to them to whom the lord by the said steward granted and delivered seisin by the rod to have the said parcel of meadow and pasture and the said rood of land to the said Eliz Mary Thomasine and Dorothy and their heirs forever to hold from the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the custom of the said manor by the rents services and customs thereunto belonging and by right accustomed and they gave to the lord their fines and were admitted tenants thereof and furthermore here into court came the said Eliz Wiseman and Dorothy Theneth themselves and the said Mary and Thomasine by the said deputy and humbly sought admittance to the said croft of land called Spoutfield with appurtenances to whom the lord by the said steward granted and delivered seisin by the rod to have the said croft with appurtenances to the said Eliz Mary Thomasine and Dorothy and their heirs forever to hold from the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the customs of the manor by the rents services and customs thereunto belonging and by right accustomed and they gave to the lord their fines etc and furthermore here into court came the said Eliz Wiseman Dorothy Theneth and the said Mary and Thomasine by their said deputy and humbly sought admittance to the said messuage or tenement with barn orchard and garden adjoining with appurtenances called Dines to whom the lord by the said steward granted and delivered seisin by the rod to have the said messuage and other premises pertaining to the said Eliz Mary Thomasine and Dorothy and their heirs forever to hold from the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the customs of the said manor by the rents services and customs thereunto belonging and by right accustomed and they gave to the lord their fines etc and afterwards in the same court and the court sitting came the said Wm Potter and by licence from the lord for himself and his heirs remitted renounced and quitclaimed all his right title interest and demand whatsoever of and in the said parcels of pasture and meadow and of and in the said croft of land called Spoutfield and of and in the said messuage and tenement with barn orchard and garden with appurtenances called Dines and of and in all other lands and tenements thus as they were decreed to the said sisters of the said Ann the said Eliz Mary Thomasine and Dorothy and their heirs forever and for such a licence they gave to the lord their fine etc