at a court held 29.3.1690 Jn Newton was admitted to him and heirs to 5a land late Rich Parker's called Gosses sometime in the occupation of Thos Bullock abutting in part onto lane leading from Chalkney Wood to highway leading from Earls Colne to Coggeshall and at a court held 22.3.1683 said Jn Newton was admitted to him and heirs to three parcels of land containing by estimation 9a more or less called Betsland with appurtenances and also to one messuage with yard garden and barn belonging to it and two parcels of land and one grove called Bettesland Wood or otherwise and at last court 30.4.last past it appeared to homage that Jn Newton 13.12.1716 surrendered by the rod into the hand of lord by hand of deputy steward all his customary messuages lands tenements and hereditaments which he Jn Newton held of the manor to such uses as would be declared in his last will in writing now to the court appears to homage that Jn Newton after last court died seised after which comes here into court Jn Newton eldest son of Jn Newton deceased and produces here in court last will of Jn Newton his father dated 13.12.1716 in following english words imprimis I give and devise unto my eldest son Jn Newton and his heirs forever over and above what I have already given and settled upon him all that messuage or tenement wherein I now dwell with all the houses outhouses barns stables yards gardens orchards lands and appurtenances thereunto belonging commonly called or known by the several names of Claypitts and Sandalls and now in my own occupation item I give more unto my said son Jn Newton and to his heirs forever all that my said messuage or tenement with the lands and appurtenances thereunto belonging commonly called or known by the name of Bomes now in my own occupation and in the occupation of Rosbrooke widow item I give more unto the said Jn Newton my son and his heirs forever all those my lands which I lately had and purchased of and from Jn Bullock commonly called Gosses with all and every of their appurtenances now also in my own occupation item I give more unto the said Jn Newton my son and to his heirs forever all that messuage or tenement wherein Robt Middleton now dwells with the lands thereunto belonging containing by estimation 4a more or less item I give more unto the said Jn Newton my son and his heirs forever one spring or grove now in my own possession and lying near and adjoining to the same lands commonly called Daveys Spring item I give more unto the said Jn Newton my son and to his heirs forever all those two crofts of land with a barn and a stable thereupon standing containing by estimation 8a more or less commonly called or known by the name of Grants and now in my own occupation item I give more unto the said Jn Newton my son and his heirs forever all that my messuage or tenement with the house outhouses and lands thereunto belonging late the lands of Susan Davey and now in the occupation of Jn Cooke or his assigns all which messuages or tenements lands and premises are situate lying and being in Earls Colne aforesaid as by last will plainly appears thereupon said Jn Newton here in court humbly petitions etc admitted to premises with appurtenances under the conditions expressed in the last will etc made his fealty