fine 20d | to this court came Xian Blowberme and surrendered into the hands of the lady one cottage with curtilage adjoining with its appurtenances called Blowbermes to the use of Joan Blowberme daughter of the same said Xian the lady granted seisin to hold to the same said Joan her heirs and assigns at the will of the lady according to ancient services and customs according to the custom of the manor saving whatever rights and she gave to the lady for a fine as appears in the margin and made fealty therefore and afterwards in the same said court the aforesaid Joan surrendered into the hands of the lady the aforesaid cottage with curtilage with appurtenances to the use of Jn Sonyld to whom the lady granted thereof seisin to hold to the same said Jn his heirs and assigns at the will of the lady by ancient services and customs according to the custom of the manor saving whatever rights and he gave to the lord for a fine therefore and made fealty |