Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr66)

17.5.1407 (Tuesday 17 May 1407)

document 54500830

fine 4s to this same court came Roger Mordone and Joan late wife of Wm Bray and surrendered into the hands of the lady one cottage with a small curtilage adjoining with appurtenances called Brockkeles to the use of Jn Fitz Nichole of Halstede to whom the lady granted seisin to hold to the same Jn his heirs and assigns from the lady at the will of the lady by the rod according to the custom of the manor saving whatever rights etc and he gave to the lady for a fine as is shown in the margin and made fealty and at the same said court the same said Jn Fitz Nichole surrendered into the hands of the lady the said cottage with small curtilage adjoining with appurtenances to the use of the aforesaid Joan Bray to whom the lady granted seisin to hold to the same said Joan her heirs and assigns from the lady at the will of the lady by the rod according to the custom of the manor etc upon such condition that if the aforesaid Jn Fitz Nichole his heirs or assigns be implead or in any manner harrassed by the aforesaid Joan her heirs or executors by reason of any plea concerning divers lands and tenements in Halstead called Wards Tenement which the aforesaid Jn Fitz Nichole holds by gift and grant of the aforesaid Wm and Joan such as that the aforesaid cottage with curtilage adjoining with appurtenances should not be sufficiently maintained and repaired that from thence the aforesaid Jn Fitz Nichole his heirs and assigns should be allowed by licence from the lady to reenter into the aforesaid cottage with curtilage adjoining with appurtenances as in his first estate and to hold from the lady according to the custom of the manor etc