Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr91 checked with D/DPr67)

30.5.1420 (Thursday 30 May 1420)

document 55700448

fine 16d at this court the lord grated out of his hands by his steward to Jn Nightingale all those lands meadows and pastures which were belonging to a tenement called Bredgemans with appurtenances except and reserved the chief messuage with the garden adjoining and one parcel of land containing 2a which Robt Dyne had by the surrender of Wm Petybon to have and to hold all the said land meadow and pasture with appurtenances called Bredgemans to the said Jn and his heirs forever etc yielding therefore to the lord and his heirs by the year 21s of the old rent and the increase of new 12d at the usual terms equally and he giveth fine 16d and made fealty