dues to the lord | and that Jn took for the preceding year from Jn Malton two colts and put them in the lord's park whereof nothing was recovered for agistment then and similarly he took charge of two animals one horse and one colt of Roger Gillesthorpe and another horse of Robt Langham for the same time and one of his own horses for the same time and for one full year and one year preceding that year seven pigs grubbing up grass and similarly one ass whereof nothing accrued thereof for agistment or pannage to the harm of the lord and that the same said Jn broke the lord's hedges and carried off branches and kindling where one ox of Wm Leg two animals of Steph Smyth one bullock of Roger Bremston and other animals how many more is not known at this time got out and there was a loss of profits to the lord for agistment un til the are returned to the damage of the lord |