presentment to distrain
Roger Mordone
that he should be at the next to show by what right he entered one croft of land called
Lytewerne Croft
which is a parcel of the lands and tenements called
and that he ought to be making a contribution to the rent thereof pertaining to the lord and
Jn Panel
to satisfy the lord concerning one tree and five of the lord's oak trees delivered to him by the lord's bailiff to repair one gateway next to
and he left the same rotting to the damage of the lord and to seize into the hands of the lord all lands and tenements called
with the goods and chattels there found because their houses are in a state of ruin in default of repair and upon this came
Jn Nyghtyngal
and showed by what right he took from the lord all the lands thereof
the aforesaid messuage with buildings whereof he sought to be executor viz for 12s per annum the whole to be paid for a rent of 20s per annum whereof he was amerced