Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr71)

4Hen8 week of pentecost (Tuesday 1 June 1512)

document 60600431

at this court it appears to the homage that Wm Chappett clerk who held together with Jn Haye senior and Jn Haye junior to themselves and their heirs of the lord by the rod according to the custom of the manor etc during the life of Jn Haye senior deceased surrendered into the hands of the lord by the hands of Wm Swattocke and Hen Pollyn tenants of the lord witnessing according to the custom of the manor to the use of the last will of the said Jn Haye senior deceased one customary tenement with the appurtenances lying next to Tollehowsegrene called Wallers with a parcel of land belonging to the tenement and adjoining it containing in length 3rods and a half and in breadth 2rods2ft of assize as appears in the copy of court roll shown here in the court dated tuesday in the week of pentecost 12Hen7 16.5.1497 more fully appears to the work and use of Roger Morecock of Wakes Colne and Isabel his wife and their heirs and assigns to hold of the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the custom of the manor to which said Roger and Isabel the lord by his steward delivered seisin to hold to themselves and their heirs of the lord etc according to the surrender and seisin made on the condition following viz that the said Roger Morecock or his certain attorney heirs or executors pay or cause to be paid to the said Wm Chappett or his certain attorney his heirs or executors 4li of good money of England now in form following viz at this court 13s4d and at the feast of pentecost next following 13s4d and at the next feast of pentecost 13s8d until the sum of 4li be paid satisfactorily and for default of any payment agains the form aforesaid licence is given to the said Wm Chappett and his heirs or assigns to reenter the said tenement and parcel of land fine 12d paid to the bailiff