of the prior for profits of the demesne | to this court came
Robt Hedge
gentleman one of the lord's council before
Thos Wibroughe
Jn Fowell
gentleman the lord's surveyor and before all the homage aforesaid and showeth in the full court two rentals or extents of the manor of Colne aforesaid whereof one beareth date at Colne aforesaid
and the other rental thereof or extent beareth date at Colne aforesaid
and also brought forth and showed in the court two books of rolls of account of one
Jn Butler
then bailiff of the lord of Colne aforesaid the date whereof are in the
in which rentals and rolls of accounts it sufficiently appeareth that the prior and his predecessors priors of the Priory aforesaid occupied divers lands and tenements with the appurtenances of the lord's demesne lands viz all one croft of land called
one field of land with the appurtenances called
containing 47a of land and two crofts of land called
containing 80a of land as tenants and farmers to the lord from year to year to the pleasure of the lord and were wont to pay yearly to the lord for the farm of the same 3li10s4d as in the rentals and accounts aforesaid more at large appeareth which lands and tenements and other the premises with the appurtenances the foresaid now prior and his predecessors late priors of the Priory aforesaid occupied from the
even to the date of this present court without any ferme or rent or other service to the lord yearly paid by which rentals and rolls of account in the court heard seen and examined and understood the foresaid now prior being present in the court gainsaith not the premises but confesseth and acknowledgeth the same to be true therefore the said now prior charged to appear before the lord and his council and answer for the the unjust occupying and to pay the issues and profits of the same from the time of the lord's full age viz from
the feast of the assumption of the virgin mary in the 12Hen8
even to this present day