Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr91 checked with D/DPr71)

2.6.1528 (Tuesday 2 June 1528)

document 62200530

Wards X rent 4dfine 8d at this court the lord's by their steward and the consent of Thos Tey esq the lord's surveyor and Rich Anthonie the lord's servant granted out of the lord's hands to Jn Estaie of Colne aforesaid one parcel or one pightle of land called Wards lately builded on sometime in the tenure of Jn Litle and after of Jn Ward and set and lying in Colne aforesaid viz between the garden of Roger Booner of the one part toward the west and the garden of Jn Tillwick toward the east and south and the common way there toward the north to hold to the same Jn Estaie his heirs and assigns of the lord by the rod to the will of the lord according to the custom of the manor yielding therefore yearly to the lord and his heirs lord's of this manor 4d sterling at two usual terms of the manor and suit at the court according to the custom of the manor to which Jn Estaie there is seisin thereof delivered to hold to him and his heirs and assigns of the lord by the rod as above etc and he giveth fine etc and made fealty