Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr91 checked with D/DPr71)

3.6.1533 (Tuesday 3 June 1533)

document 62700211

18a parcel of Bettingland Xfine 5s to this court came Rich Wade and surrendered into the lord's hands one piece of land containing 18a of land or more etc parcel of one piece of land called Bettingland to the use and behoof of Jn Game his heirs and assigns who being present in the court came and craved to be admitted thereunto and he is admitted the lord's tenant thereof to whom by the lord's steward there is seisin thereof delivered to hold to him his heirs and assigns of the lord by the rod to the will of the lord according to the custom of the manor yielding therefore yearly to the lord and his heirs lord's of this manor 10s at two usual terms of the manor viz at the feast of michaelmas and annunciation by even portions to be paid and suit at the court according to the custom of the manor and he giveth fine etc and made fealty