Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr91 checked with D/DPr74)

5.11.1563 (Friday 5 November 1563)

document 65401474

fine 7d Frances to this court came Thos Smythe and Margt his wife and the said Margt being alone and secretly examined by the lord's steward surrendered into the lord's hands one tenement with a garden adjoining and the appurtenances called Frances situate and lying in Colne aforesaid together with one gateway to go and come out of the foresaid garden into Lowfield as in a copy bearing date on tuesday in the week of pentecost in 31Hen6 more at large appears to the use and behoof of Agnes Booner single woman her heirs and assigns who being present in the court came and prayed to be admitted thereunto and she is admitted the lord's tenant thereof to whom by the lord's steward there is seisin delivered to hold to her her heirs and assigns of the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the custom of the manor and she giveth fine and made fealty