Exchequer Bills and Answers (PRO E112/645 piece 79 Hen Abbott v Thos Nichols and Arth Butcher)

11.2.1693 (Saturday 11 February 1693)

document 18800005

the answer of Arth Butcher miller this defendant himself now and at all times hereafter all manner of advantage etc and first this defendant saith that he doth not know that the plaintiff hath been or is seised or possessed of any estate or interest in the rectories and vicarage in the bill mentioned or in any part thereof or any ways entitled unto any part of the tithe of Great Coggeshall or Little Coggeshall or ought to have had received or enjoyed or now receives or enjoys any such tithes as in the bill is set forth or any rate composition or sum of money for the same but saith that true it is that he this defendant doth hold and enjoy within the parish and precincts of Great and Little Coggeshall in the said county of Essex a corn mill and a fulling mill with 3a of meadow or pasture ground and hath held and enjoyed the same for the space of two years last past and saith for each of the years in the bill mentioned this defendant hath mowed grass from the said 3a and made the same into hay not exceeding t wo loads each load being of the value of 20s at the most as this defendant verily believes and took the same to be and this defendant fed nothing upon the said 3a or any part thereof except two horses which this defendant used in and about his said mills and this defendant saith that true it is this defendant hath used the said two mills for two years in the bill mentioned and that the yearly profit of the said corn mill did not amount in each of the said years to more than the sum of 10li to this defendant's knowledge or belief and this defendant saith that there hath been a yearly rate tithe or composition of 20s paid by prescription to the vicar of Coggeshall for the time being in lieu and contentation of all manner of tithes growing and renewing of and from the said premises so occupied by him as aforesaid that no tithe or kind are due and payable for the same or any part thereof as this defendant doubts not to make appear and this defendant hath accordingly paid the said vicar 20s a year in lieu of all tithes from the premises for the said two years and this defendant further saith that he knoweth of no other titheable matters that this defendant hath within the said parishes other than what he hath before set forth except apples which this defendant had from the said premises not exceeding 4bush in one year from the said premises the tithe whereof in kind if payable would not amount to more than 4d in each of the said years and this defendant denies that he holdeth or ever did hold during the time in the bill charged any more mills or lands within the parish and titheable places of Coggeshall in the bill likewise named and this defendant denied all and all manner of combination in the bill laid to his charge and to all the rest of the charges in the bill this defendant this defendant is a mere stranger and can make no other or further answer without that any other matter or thing etc Jn Squibb 11.2.1693 before me R Lechmergh